When ever I've tried to use a some words from a different language before, when abroad, panic has always set in and I found I'd forgotten the very few phrases I tried very hard to remember on the flight. More often this is only "Yes", "No", "Thank you" and "Do you speak English?".
I was hoping that learning a new language would at least give me the skills to get past this small hurdle but on a recent trip to Stockholm for two days I hit the same problem. It made me reflect and, in truth, I struggle just as much with unexpected questions in the Welsh class and somehow I need to get past this.
The flash cards are definitely helping (see page links for Anki Flash Cards) but I need to somehow get past this panic and be able to absorb and understand what is being said to me, to have the confidence that what I've learnt is passable even if not perfect.
In an attempt to get used to hearing how people speak in Welsh I've started listening to Radio Cymru in the car during my daily commute. I don't necessarily understand what is being said but, as I listen, I am now able to discern the start and stop of words and some words come easily into my mind. Occasionally I get a glimpse of what they are talking about - even if there isn't any detail. This I'll aim to continue and I'll see how it goes. I definitely understand it more than I do Radio 1 ;-)
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