Anki Flash Cards

I've found flash cards a useful tool to randomly revise the Welsh I'm trying to learn.

The software can be downloaded onto PCs or Macs and has apps for Android and IPhone meaning that the content can be created at home and taken anywhere.

The home page is

I've created a deck that simple has a word or sentence in Welsh along with an audio track and the relevant English translation with an audio track. I've recorded the Welsh myself and, because I'm a learner the pronunciation is bad in places and probably wrong in others.

Sample Card from the Wlpan Deck
Sample Card From the Wlpan Deck

The learning is based on the Wlpan course from Bangor University and so the deck also includes a section field and a tag, these entries relate to the appropriate section in the course material. The card shows the section field when the answer is presented and the tags can be used to filter the deck.

On my Android tablet and phone I can set up the Automatic Display Answer in the Settings- Reviewing section, the idea was to have it looping in the car but I can't seem to get the volume level over bluetooth :-(

Android Settings for Looped Cards
Android Settings for Looped Cards

You can download my deck so far from this link

Then, open Anki and select File->Import to add the deck

File --> Import Menu Option
File --> Import Menu Option

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