Wednesday, 25 February 2015
The Cards Increase
I find it quite useful as a focus to revise and then running through a set of cards is a good break from what I've just learnt.
Tonight it was 140 cards in 16 minutes and it seemed better, although the new cards has increased the variation in sections and therefore reduced the number of hits for my problem areas; therefore I think I might have to do some extra work on those tomorrow. This is a simple enough exercise as the deck can be filtered by tag.
A definite step forward but is it a new toy moment... we'll see.
Monday, 23 February 2015
Initial Progress with Flash Cards
Tonight has been a struggle.
When the database of flash cards is first constructed the number of cards to view is low, the variation is low (in terms of subject headings) while the repetition is low. As the database gets much larger the number of cards to view is higher, the variation (in terms of subject headings) is higher and the repetition of that subject matter is less. Therefore the test of remembering is much more challenging but much more illuminating as far as problem areas are concerned.
Tonight I had 20 old cards and 55 new cards, I completed 157 views in 21 minutes. This shows that some cards were problematic.
The problem sections were I did/We did/Did you and I have got/We have/Have you got so the challenge now is to focus in those areas. For the cards I've created this is Section 4 and Section 5 so I'll create custom decks and train with those in addition to the daily view.
Fingers crossed :-)